Friday, September 12, 2008

Another week on the Farm - Winter is Coming Fast

I have stayed busy. Tommy has had a bad week but thank God, I think he's getting better. I have canned more potatoes, froze more milk and cream and eggs, and made a big batch of mozzarella cheese for the freezer. The mozzarella cheese photos and recipe, I will post in a few days.

I have 3 lbs. of onion sets that need to be planted. I could not get any this past spring. So hopefully they will have enough time to grow this fall. I have never grown onions in the fall, so this is my something new this year. We eat a lot of them. And two weeks ago at the store they were $2.?? for 3 lbs., used to be less than a dollar.

I am at the point were I hate, hate going to the store (any store). The prices on everything are up to unbelievable. Enough to make all sick. Thank God for my food barn, milk cow and chickens. I know a lot of you don't have these things, and I am racking my brain on tips and hints for you. For right now, my tips are buy very wisely and learn to cook from scratch. I'll be posting some easy from scratch recipes soon.

The chicken are slowly slowing down on their eggs. But I'm freezing a lot too. The milk cow is down to 3 gallons a day, and should keep going down now. We have a cow in the freezer. Chickens to kill this fall when it cools off more.

Winter is on the way. And I'm almost ready, or should I say as ready as I can get. This summer has flown by. There are leaves all over the ground here. At times, I would love to put a hold on the winter coming, Saying I need a little more time to get ready. But the good Lord knows what's He's going, so I pray I'm putting up enough for the winter. And if not, He'll find a way to supply what we need, not want. I have felt like the ants in the Bible, more this year than ever before. And we have lived like this for years. Does anyone else feel like the ants this year?? I feel we all are in for the longest, hardest winter world wide.

I would like to thank everyone for all your comments and your prayers. These blogs have been such a blessing to me in more than one way. To be honest, I didn't think I would be able to help any one. But the overwhelming numbers are unbelievable. The canning potatoes post has reached 497 hits. Are there any potatoes left out there? Thank you all again. I am just here to help you all any way I can. There are so many people looking for ways to make it through all this mess. And my heart goes out to you all. I wish I could give you all a big hug.

Well it's time to start another day. May God bless you all to overflowing today.



  1. Oh I am definitely feeling a push to “get my house in order”. I just don’t have enough hours or enough energy to do everything I want to get done. At the same time my job is getting very busy. Since I am self employed I really need to take advantage of the abundance of work and earnings right now. So time is my biggest problem. This weekend I really want to cook up all of the chicken leg quarters I have in the freezer and pull the meat off and freeze in portions that we use for “comfort food” in the winter like chicken n’ dumplings and casseroles. The next time I go to the butcher I will try to get even more chicken leg quarters. They sell them at $.19/lb with a $15 purchase. I will also use the bones to make a large supply of chicken stock for my freezer. I have never learned to can food and really wish I knew how. I did buy a water bath canner last year but haven’t gotten up the nerve to try it. Now why am I so hesitant? I even have a bunch of strawberries in my freezer…just need to take the plunge. Thanks once again for your encouragement. Linda Comment by Linda September 12, 2008

  2. Linda,
    What a great deal on chicken!! Here the cheapest leg quarters (on sale) is $1.09 a lbs. I might have to come and visit you. The water bath canner is easier then the pressure canner, you just can’t can as many things in the water bath. But it’s a great place to start. Have a great day. Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 13, 2008

Amanda said... I had no idea you could freeze eggs. How do you use them after they've been frozen? Can you still scramble and fry them or only use them within recipes?

September 12, 2008 7:58 AM
Becky said... here is were you can get answers September 12, 2008 10:53 AM


  1. I had no idea you could freeze eggs. How do you use them after they've been frozen? Can you still scramble and fry them or only use them within recipes?

    here is were you can get anwswers
