Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fall Is Coming - Getting ready for winter

Yesterday while I was doing chores, I notice dried leaves on the ground. Fall is coming, I just love the fall time of the year. I'm not sure when it start here, as I have not stopped to look. I really need to stop more often and look around and smell the roses. I have been trying to get ready for winter and now I'm stopping for a few moments to enjoy the fall. The trees are starting to show they too are getting ready for winter.  And I saw our first wooly worm, and he was as black as coal. Which here means a long cold winter. I am so thankful the Lord allows seasons. Even thou the seasons of life are hard at times, I know He knows what's best. And no one season last forever.

Things I still have to do to get ready for winter:

  1. need to fill all my heater gas tanks( we use 100lb's, and 30lb's tanks so we can fill them as money allows. We use about 200lb a month for the heater and 30 lb a month for the stove)
  2. pull out and sort, winter clothes and see what's needed new this year
  3. working on homemade Christmas gifts ( this I really enjoy)
  4. getting the gardens clean out, strawberries mulched for winter
  5. do a final check on food supply's and goods
  6. keep an eye out for candles at the thrift store. I usually get them for .05-.10 each. these are good when power goes out, or just because. I love candles,to me they are relaxing.
  7. get all quilts and blankets washed
  8. close up holes in the house's under pinning and cover the end of the house vent holes.
  9. get chicken house ready for winter
  10. get up and clean all stock tank heaters (we put these in the animals water tubs to keep the water from freezing.)
  11. check all oil lamps and change the wicks
  12. blow out the gas heaters, they get dust in them during the summer.
  13. reinstall the hood over the out side water, the hood has a light in it the keep the outside water line from freezing. ( I'll post a photo when it's up. Tommy made it out of scrap wood. And it was my biggest blessing last winter.) 
  14. make strawberry jam ( 8 - 10 gallon freezer bags full of strawberries)
  15. make butter (over 10 gallons of cream in the freezer).
  16. make and canned homemade veg. beef soup for winter use.

I know there is more I just can't think of what else right now. 

What are you doing at your house to prepare for winter? I'd like to know because I might be forgetting to do something or not thought if it.

Take time to day to have a look around out side, see all God's wonderful work. And enjoy what He has sent you today.


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  1. I’ve just STARTED preparing…and feel like I should have started a month ago! These are in no particular order, although some of the things needs to be done NOW! So far my list includes:- Stocking up mixes (muffin-done, brownie, homemade “Good Seasons”, homemade “Shake n Bake”, homemade “Hamburger Helper”-1/2 done, Popcorn “shake in” mix. - Cut up old jeans and make a quilt for our family room to combat the cold winter heading our way - started.- Make and can strawberry jam.- Inventory and defrost my freezer. - Inventory dehydrated food - done.- Organize dehydrated food.- Dehydrate more veggies to increase my stock.- Inventory my pantry - done.- Complete stocking of my pantry. - Make French toast and waffles to stock my freezer- Make cookie dough to stock my freezer - Make corn bread to stock my freezer (We like it better after it has been frozen and defrosted!)- Cook up all of the chicken leg quarters I have in the freezer and package the meat in 2-3 cup portions.- Make beef jerky.- Once the weather gets cooler start baking to stock my freezer: muffins, quick breads, etc. - Call in the heating company for our free “pre-winter” check on our heating system. - Have our chimney fixed (Contract has been signed and down payment sent…should be done in about 3 weeks.)- Purchase our new gas insert for the fireplace so we can heat only the two rooms we are in, the family room and kitchen. (Have to wait for the chimney repairs to be done) With working 40 hours a week my time is pretty limited so I really need to prioritize this list and get to the things that need to be done NOW! So much to do…so little time. Hope this helps with some things others may have missed. Keep the ideas coming! Comment by Linda | September 6, 2008 |

  2. Becky, I’m going to get some fleece material and put it on tension rods behind our blinds to help combat winter drafts. I’ve also got to get started on getting the cold weather clothes out and the warmer stuff packed away. Make sure everyone has some good, heavy blankets on their beds. I need to re-organize our food storage and take an inventory as well. There will be lots of baking and cooking involved as well. I love the Fall ~ it’s my favorite season. Mrs.. D.D. Comment by D. | September 6, 2008 |

  3. Linda,
    Boy, I though I had a lot to do. You stay busy. I would like the recipes for “homemade “Shake n Bake”,”Popcorn “shake in” mix”, that is when you have time. And “”Make cookie dough to stock my freezer”", is what I forgot, thank you.
    We love an oatmeal walnut cookie.  Mrs..D.D.,I’ll have to look into material to cover windows. Great idea, to save on heat. Thank you both. Becky Comment by jordansfarm | September 7, 2008 |

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