Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This and That on the Farm - 9/24

This comment was left on " I have a Friend" and it's great and I wanted everyone to see it. Thank you Linda J.

“…if all things are in His hand, if the very hairs of our head are numbered; if every event, great and small, is under the direction of His Providence and purpose; and if He has a wise, holy and gracious end in view, to which everything that happens is subordinate and subservient;–then we have nothing to do, but with patience and humility to follow as He leads, and cheerfully to expect a happy issue….How happy are they who can resign all to Him, see His hand in every dispensation, and believe that He chooses better for them than they possibly could for themselves!” ~John Newton, who wrote the hymn, “Amazing Grace”

A friend of ours let us borrow his living weed eater, goat. We are trying to clear out an area, so the cows can have a little more room. This area used to be the goat pen,  then was a pig pen. Well, at about dusk the goat was running around the yard.  Our friend had always keep him on a chain and just moved him around as needed. So the goat does not really like people, he runs from them. Yet, all my animals run to me, which makes catching them so easy, except it gets a little hairy when you have a 900 lb.+ cow coming at you. OK, back to this goat on the run. He had broke his collar, no fixing it. We got him , and used a rope to hold him. While
I tried to find another collar. Ok, I live on a farm and have animal bottles of all sizes and shapes, and I thought every thing needed to run a farm.

But there was no collar on the farm. I had think of something as the goat would go through the fence with the cows in it, and it's getting dark. Here is what I did, and goat was not to happy. I found a calf halter and put in on him. And yes it was big on him, Tommy had to cut another hole in it to get it as tight as we could. And let me tell you that goats can dance. He tried for over an hour to get it off.

Now for gas here. A friend called yesterday and said that our area was very low, or out of gas. One gas tanker was splitting the gas between 4 stations. For about 40 miles around us there is no gas. They are not sure when it'll come in. When Tommy came home Monday, he said the gas station , less than a mile from home was out of gas, and the next station 6 miles up the road had a 10 gallon limit. So he filled up the truck. Which now I am thankful he did. With the new little truck, we can go to town 3 1/2 times in gas for what we only got 1 trip with the other truck. Thank you Lord. And thank you Lord the worry and fear bug had no hold this time, I had Your peace! And last nights News was not much better, but I got my peace.

I am having to get more creative. Here are some more of my new ways of saving money:

  1. I use freezer bags, but have not been washing them out and reusing them. ( don't reuse the ones that have held meat in them. I use freezer paper for my meats.) But now I'm washing them out. I have seen those little bag drier stands, costing about $20+. I will not pay that. So at the thrift store I found a small set of Tinker toys for a $.25, and got them. And made my own bag drier and it sits on top of the drier. I'll post a photo in a day or two.
  2. The AC was turned off in the food barn. And the windows were opened and a fan turned on. This will really drop the bill.
  3. I willing be making my own clothes soap this week.( will post photos later).
  4. Will start back making our own bread as a store loaf here is over $2.50.
  5. Even my 11 yr old daughter is getting creative, she has 3-4 new grilled cheese ways.
  6. Tommy is getting up some fire wood. Not knowing what this winter will bring, we are preparing for the worse and praying for the best. We do not have a wood heater but I will be able to cook. The cooking/heating gas has already gone way up and winter is not here yet.
  7. I am making everyone wool house socks. Our floors are so cold in the winter. And the heat this year will be keep on low. I guess I will not be able to wear shorts in the house this winter. And I'm looking into getting my daughter sweat suits to wear to bed this winter, as she does not like to cover up or likes to kick them off.
  8. Water- We have a 425 gallon tank in our back yard. ( I need to change the water below winter) You can save any bottles you have and fill with water. The bottles that had soaps of some kind in it, fill with water, they can be used to wash dishes, hands, etc. Other bottles for drinking/ cooking water. And the bottles can be stuck anywhere it does not freeze. Fill bottles almost full and let freeze, to put in coolers for when power out.

We were blessed this week, when a family up the road was moving out. Tommy trade a few ladders, transit, air compressor for a 12' X 16' building. They could not move it on the highway, but can be moved to our house. It is dried in, has a roof, a small loft in it, cedar siding almost done on the outside. It is so nice, looks like a little cabin. Well Tommy said I could have it. He had a  trailer frame  here in which to make me one, but this one is so close to done and the trade was good for both of us. The family could not take it, but needed the tools. The Lord is so good. It will be a sewing/ guest house. I can't wait to get it here so as I can fix it up the way I want. You see, we rent so I can't fix up much here. But the new little house is mine, oh what fun I am going to have. We'll put the bunk bed set we just got ( twin on top and full on bottom, which slides up to make like a couch.) The loft will be great for all the kids to sleep. They are pulling it down here this coming Saturday.

I have to go to town today to get food and feed. Boy, I sure hate going to town. I don't need much, but I really need the animal feed. So I'll get the few other things I can't make. Like bath paper, sugar, oil, goat collar. I have been reading others post about the prices of everything going up, so I'm glad my list is short. Anyone know how to make bath paper? I'm willing to try it.

Well I better get going and see what great deals can be found in town today.

May you all have a blessed day, Becky


  • here is a good tutorial on making your own flannel bath tissue.  Comment by Caroline | September 24, 2008 |

  • It looks like you already got a good link. I was going to suggest the same thing….taking receiving blankets or fleece and cutting them to size and then surge ring the edges. I have asked my DH about doing this and he is not keen on the idea to say the least….but he did like my napkins (I posted a picture on my blog. Thanks for the idea!) I do like the idea of everyone having their own color scheme though!  Comment by Pamspride | September 24, 2008 |

  • Becky - If you are getting sweats for your daughter to sleep in, consider getting her a hooded sweatshirt. The difference having her head and neck covered will make is enormous. I have a hooded sweatshirt that I got at the end of season a few years back. I found it in the young men’s department, some sports team that had played particularly badly and was no longer popular was on the front. They were practically giving them away as no teen male would be caught dead wearing that team’s logo, lol. I didn’t care what it looked like, as long as it was warm. I wear it over my flannel jammies. It is so nice and warm!  I am so happy for you trading your unused tools for a sewing/guest room that you will get TONS of use out of! Smart lady! Sorry to hear you are still having gas problems in your area. I have REALLY been trying to conserve as my car only gets 15 mpg. I have cut my driving so that I am now getting two full weeks out of a tank of gas. Thank you Lord, the cost to refill weekly was really hurting! I have been trying to follow your lead and prepare for the winter and hard times to come. I was so proud of myself when this past week or two I took a free towel and cut it down into six much needed dishrags. I am finding ways to substitute or stretch all over my home! Thank you. You are truly an inspiration!!! Linda  Comment by Linda | September 24, 2008 |

    1. Thank you for sharing that quote at the top. I really needed that tonight. I may copy it and print it out. Gas is still in shortage here too. Makes us nervous. We will not be turning the heat up much this winter either. And from what I’ve heard, everyone is expecting this to be a hard winter weather-wise. There is much to plan for. Comment by D. | September 24, 2008 |

    2. Caroline,  Thank you so much for the link.

    3. Pamspride, When clicking on your name, we can not get to your blog. Would you copy and paste it in a comment? I would really like to see your napkins. And my hubby is not much for the idea of flannel bath tissue, but I am doing everything to prepare for the long winter ahead. We might not need them, but it’s good to have on hand if needed. Only the Lord knows what it will bring.

      My daughter does not like the hooded ones. She’ll wear her knitted wool hat out to help with chores.At town yesterday, I passed more than 10 gas stations, all with the pumps covered, no gas. Well I’m set to stay home now for about two weeks.
      I am proud of you too, homemade dish rags, great.
      And your welcome, I am just wanting to share what I know, to help others along the way.

      Was is not great. I too, am printing it out.And yes, there is a hard, long winter coming. All the fruit and nut trees were overflowing this year. God’s way of helping wild life prepare. By watching the animals, we can get a good idea of whats to come. My cows are starting to get their winter coat. And yes, we all have a lot to plan for, for this winter. Thank you all, Becky  Comment by jordansfarm | September 25, 2008 |

    4. Becky, I’m so excited to find your blog. I’ve just started reading through and I can’t wait to learn more. We’re fighting hard to keep our cars gassed up, too. The last fill up for my husbands vehicle (which gets poorer gas mileage, but we need the 4 wheel drive filled during hurricane season just for safety reasons) was over $70. I don’t have room to keep a cow, but I do have room for a milking goat. Do you know anything about them? God bless, Country Lady Comment by ~Country Lady~ | September 26, 2008 |

    5. Country Lady, We started out with a milk goat. They give a little under a 1/2 gallon a day, if milked twice a day. But for us, my son was the only one who like the goats milk. If I were you, I would try and taste someone's fresh raw goats milk first. Before you spend money on a goat and everything that goes with keeping a goat. There is a big difference in goat and cow milk. Some people like one and not the other. Looking back, I wish we had tasted it first. Well, it’s just a lesson learned. Please let me know what you think. Have a blessed day. Becky Comment by jordansfarm | September 27, 2008 |


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