Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Jordan’s did it again!!

Someone who supports to come and help me put the bunk set together yesterday. But he called and said he was not coming. Tommy had called him to help me because he did not have the strength, this was the third person we had called to help us. And the third, no show. Tommy just about cried. So I put my hands on my hips and said, “We are Jordan’s and the girls and I can do it if you talk us through it. You have taught us a lot.” He just smiled and we got at it. We got it put together, together. This bunk bed set is a place for me to lay down some during the day, a bed for Tasha when she moves back in, and a place for family to sleep when they come. The Jordan’s did it again.
It’s been cold here, even in the house. I am using the gas heaters and a powered floor heater. And winter is not even here yet. For the last week, we have had a heavy frost every morning. But it’s been a long time since we have use this much heat. I am not looking forward to this coming months power bill or the winter to come. I guess I need to get busy making more quilts and wool socks. Is anyone else using more heat earlier this year?
Tasha came by yesterday, to show me an outfit she got. It said, ”That’s it! I’m going to grandma’s!” I am sure looking forward to being a grandma!! She also help me move things from sew/her room into the bus ( our storage place), and get the room ready. She is coming back today to help so more. Boy, there is a lot of stuff in that room, that needs to come out. I will post a photo when it’s done.
Well I had better get this day started. Praying you all have a great day!


Becky - Congrats on getting the bed done! It is amazing what we can accomplish when we put our minds, and our hearts, into it! Congratulations…you are stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for! Glad to hear Tasha will be coming back today to help you clear out some more! Lin Comment by Linda November 20, 2008
  1. Becky, Great job on the beds! You Jordan ladies are made of tuff stuff!!
    After enjoying a mild beginning to November, we are now in the deep freeze. Colder than normal temps and more snow than usual. The forecasters are predicting 3-6 ins. tonight and tomorrow, which is unusual for us this early in the season. They also say this cold blast from Canada will reach as far as Georgia and Central Texas! Hang in there!! Comment by Linda J. November 20, 2008

  2. Hugs to you and Tommy, Becky-I knew you all could put that bed together!
    Sometimes when others fail us and our plans fall through, God comes shining through and shows us what we can do when He gives us His strength. Glad you all did it together-it’ll give you memories and God will give you His strength to draw on in the future again when you need it. Thank goodness, He is there beside us every step of our lives. It would be very hopeless, otherwise. Keeping you in my prayers, Marlys Comment by Marlys Zimbelman November 21, 2008

1 comment:

  1. You sound like my family. We don't live "off the land" but we are a family with a sick and disabled husband; you're getting ready to have your daughter/grandchild (coming) to live with you, we do have a daughter/grandchild (boy) live with us; you've had to make do and do without because of your husband's illness, we've had to re-evaluate and change the way we do things because of mine.

    A friend sent me your link that shows what you're saving and where you're storing. We're just starting and I got some good ideas off your site. I can't can (no place to garden, for starters) and although we do have an upright freezer, I hesitate to lean too heavily on it in case the power goes out.

    I will add your family to my prayers. I know from experience that we serve a mighty God and He is still in the miracle business.
