Shawn and Cindy came and got TommieLynn for the weekend, Friday night. TommieLynn was overly happy to spend the weekend with her brother. Thank you Shawn and Cindy. Tasha went to Carl’s for most of the weekend. So it was just Tommy and I. Oh, what a treat. It has been many years since we have had a weekend alone together.
I took him out to eat Saturday night to his favorite restaurant to get his favorite meal. The restaurant had 4 men walking around singing to those of us eating. The restaurant had candles and flowers on the table. It was a wonderful evening, which we both really enjoyed. Thank you Lord, for blessing our evening and time together. I did have to give Tommy a dose of morphine while we were there but he said he had a great time with a smile. When we got home he did put on his oxygen and rested with a full belly and a smile in his face. His smile on his face so very much blessed me. I have found that the smaller things bless my heart so much more now than ever before. Thank you Lord again for a wonderful evening.
It is now time to cut down my chickens. We have 25+ chickens. And their feed bill is getting to high. People are no longer buying eggs. So I am giving away 2-3 flats of eggs a week. Don’t get me wrong, I do not mind giving eggs away, but their feed bill is about $30 a week. We no longer eat a lot of eggs a week, maybe 1-2 dozen. So we are down sizing the chickens. More than like, we will give the extra chickens away, to those who need them for food. Tommy is no longer able to butcher them,and I just can’t bring myself to do it. Now I could if I had too, but right now I don’t have too. Thank you Lord. So we will get the chickens down to 8-12 hens and a rooster, that way we will still be able to bless others with some eggs without over spending on feed. The beef cow is getting fatter, and will go into the freezer hopeful by late spring/early summer. And then all the pasture fences will come down.
Looking to spring: We will not have the big garden down in the field this year. The strawberry & tomato patch (were I have many raised beds and is fenced in) will be used again this year. And I have to fence in an area for potatoes and some corn, up closer to the house but away from the strawberry patch. So I have been scouting the yard for the right place to put it. It will not be real big as there is only 4 of us now. I will only plant 50 lbs. of potatoes instead of 200 lbs. We love potatoes. Our potatoes did not do very well last year, maybe a new spot will help. I have really missed our potatoes this winter. And just enough corn to eat fresh and a little to freeze, not 8 rows 150 ft. long. All other veg’s will go into the raised beds. So this will be our first year with a small garden.
The only seeds/plants I have to buy this spring are: potatoes, tomatoes, onions sets. I have enough seeds for the other things we grow for about 3 years. Which is a great blessing. We were blessed last year with a really big box of seed packets: veg’s. , flowers, herbs seeds. Yes, not all of them will come up due to being last years seeds, but more than 80% will. So I just replant seeds that don’t come up, and have done so for years. Every fall when our feed store marks that years seeds to half price, I buy the seeds I need to plant the following spring. I save money on seeds. As the seeds get older the percentage of the ones that will come up goes down some. I have planted some seeds that were over 3 years old, and had a good crop.
As the girls and I will be doing all the yard work this year, I am looking for ways to cut back on as much as I can. One things I am going to do to cut down on weed eating is: put straw/mulch/hay around things and places that usually need to be weed eat-ed. I can get all the straw and hay from our feed store for free:I pick up the broken bales off the ground, there is always a lot. TommieLynn has been begging to use the push mower, oh little does she know what she’s asking for. She starts this year, we’ll see now long she’ll want to mow.
We have friends coming in this coming weekend, Scott and Ann. Then the following week, Tommy’s sister, Linda, is coming for a visit. He has not seen her in 6+ years. They both are really looking forward to this visit.
Well I am going to finish enjoying my quiet weekend. Hope you all have a great week.
How to Identify a Snapping Turtle
6 days ago
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