
The simple life, living off God's land, one day at a time.
I have been reading your posts for several months. You are the reason I started my food stock pile. You gave me a place to start. I am thankful for your guidance. You seem to be such a hard worker and I admire you for holding your family together. I know the Lord must have blessings for you a plenty. I was so happy to read that Tommy got a new hospice. Thank you Lord!!! I will continue to pray for you, Tommy and your family. I live by the saying, “when one door closes another one opens! The old hospice door closed, but another one opened! Wonderful. Comment by Holli | February 7, 2009 |
I am so sorry you have to go through all this. I am glad though that you love the Lord. I always wonder how people cope who do not know the Lord. Its true we grow the most when times are toughest. I will pray for you and Tommy and your family every time I think of you. It was good to read what you wrote about praying and then thanking God. Sometimes we pray for help but forget the give thanks when we get it. take care blessings debbieo Comment by Debbieo | February 7, 2009 |
My wife and i have read you blog for a while and found it very inspiring that someone with so little has been able to accomplish so much. You are really amazing. I recently had a close brush with death and was convinced i only had a short time left and i was so scared and kept thinking “why me?”. But after a while i started to realize that I have to just let go and have complete faith that everything happens for a reason and that pertains to both the good and the bad. Often times we are not meant to understand why, but we must faith. We are all going to depart this earth eventually but its just a matter of how and when. But its up to us to decide what we will do with the time that we have been given and always remember that death is not the end but is only the beginning. Best Wishes, Maximus Comment by Maximus | February 9, 2009 |
Tommy has had a good weekend. He was up during the day and slept at nights. There was a few bouts with pain but the morphine helped. It was great having him up during the day. And he really enjoyed being up with us.
Tasha and Carl, helped me to get some more things out of the shop. We have until the 15th to get everything else out, almost done, maybe just one more trip. Thank you Carl for your help.
It has been a long time since we have had an easy and good weekend. Thank you Lord. Tommy was able to help me fix things and he got some other things done. Which made him feel useful.
The weather still does not know what it wants to do, one day cold and the next hot.
The girls are doing good. And Tasha’s belly is getting bigger. The farm is doing good.
Thank you Lord for all your blessings, love, and mercy.
I have been reading your posts for several months. You are the reason I started my food stock pile. You gave me a place to start. I am thankful for your guidance. You seem to be such a hard worker and I admire you for holding your family together. I know the Lord must have blessings for you a plenty. I was so happy to read that Tommy got a new hospice. Thank you Lord!!! I will continue to pray for you, Tommy and your family. I live by the saying, “when one door closes another one opens! The old hospice door closed, but another one opened! Wonderful. Comment by Holli February 7, 2009
I am so sorry you have to go through all this. I am glad though that you love the Lord. I always wonder how people cope who do not know the Lord. Its true we grow the most when times are toughest. I will pray for you and Tommy and your family every time I think of you. It was good to read what you wrote about praying and then thanking God. Sometimes we pray for help but forget the give thanks when we get it. take care blessings debbieo Comment by Debbieo February 7, 2009
My wife and i have read you blog for a while and found it very inspiring that someone with so little has been able to accomplish so much. You are really amazing. I recently had a close brush with death and was convinced i only had a short time left and i was so scared and kept thinking “why me?”. But after a while i started to realize that I have to just let go and have complete faith that everything happens for a reason and that pertains to both the good and the bad. Often times we are not meant to understand why, but we must faith. We are all going to depart this earth eventually but its just a matter of how and when. But its up to us to decide what we will do with the time that we have been given and always remember that death is not the end but is only the beginning. Best WIshes, Maximus Comment by Maximus February 9, 2009
Hi,there is some information available at http://ncrf.org/ that you might find helpful. Best wishes to you. Comment by hello February 11, 2009
Thank you all for your comments and prayers. And thank you for stopping in here. Have a great day.I am blessed to have you all.Becky
Comment by Becky February 15, 2009
God has answered your prayers. You are no longer stuck with a second rate hospice who seems to have little to no compassion for your husband. Just watch God work for you. As awful as all this is, Jesus is sustaining you. Things will get better. Comment by terilyn February 20, 2009
God bless and keep you Becky and your dear Tommy and family.I am meeting you for the 1st time tonight and so happy to know you and am inspired by your love of the Lord, your family, and your kindness to others. I am deeply touchedby your gratefulness, kindness, and humble simple way.Thank you for your good advice-I’m taking it! I’m the mom of 4 and grandma of 1 so far. My family (kids are 21-30) doesn’t know that I have been stockpiling food and necessary stuff for months now. They aren’t watching the horizon. So I pray much for them by God’s grace, and like you, place my trust in Him. Becky, I will pray for you and your husband and family. Much love and prayer in Him,stephanie
Comment by Stephie February 21, 2009