I’m still here. Tommy has had a bad week with pain. And I’ve been trying to get pain relief for him. If I have not written here in a while, then please check the Caring Bridge site for updates. I have been fighting the hospice people trying to get help. They are so good at giving you the run around and blaming others. If I knew there was enough time left, I’d go and get my doctors degree just to help Tommy. I am sorry but at times, I seem to know more than them, and I’m just a wife and mom.
We had company this past weekend. Janet (Tommy’s ex-wife) and her husband,Tex came up for the weekend. They came loaded down with goodies. They brought: a TV tray, pj, shirts, fruit, nuts, choc. covered cherries for Tommy: the girls got an outfit and shoes and pj’s: I got baking goods and yarn. We had a good visit. But Tommy was in pain most of weekend. So Tommy and Tex watched NetFlix and had some laughs. Tex told Janet that he now wanted NetFlix for Christmas this year. This was really funny. Tommy really enjoyed having another male to enjoy the western movies with. Janet and I would just laugh at them while they were watching the movies. Thank you Tex and Janet for everything.
Tasha went to the doctors this week. The baby’s fine and is due to be here June 6,O8. She is having a little evening sickness. We all are so looking forward to this little one the Lord is blessing us with.
TommieLynn is doing ok, and is slowly getting over her cold. She was so happy that Janet had taught her to use curlers on her hair and got her her own curlers too. She is looking forward to Christmas. And praying it will snow on Christmas. Which I’m not sure it will as for the last few days we have had the house windows open because it’s so warm. This is really one weird winter.
I am fighting with a cold as well, stuffy head,being very tired, nose and eye running, coughing and feeling very yucky. All this because my girls just love to share with their mom. I have been knitting dish clothes for gifts this year, and almost done. Hoping to feel better real soon as I need to start baking Christmas goodies. TommieLynn has deemed herself old enough to help more with baking this year( really she just wants to lick more bowls). Milk cow is still giving us milk. Chicken are still laying, but have cut back just a little.
Well I had better get ready for morning chores, before the cow comes looking for me.
Have a wonderful day,
1 Comment »
Bless you, Becky!
Reading your blog always reminds me of the Lord’s grace and love as well as what a strong gal you are. I’m happy to hear that Tommy is enjoying NetFlix. I’m a chocolate covered cherry fan myself.
June is a wonderful time to have a baby! Our DS was born in June. I too had evening sickness. Actually…it was more like 24/7 sickness. I found that eating canned fruit without the juice was very helpful when I just couldn’t keep anything down. Another thing that helps is not to eat and drink at the same time. Either eat or drink, but leave about 30 minutes in between. This really worked for me. Hope Tasha will be feeling better soon.
Christmas blessing to you all!Joyce
Comment by Joyce December 18, 2008
How to Identify a Snapping Turtle
6 days ago
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