It’s getting cold here fast. We were to have our first hard freeze last night. Which means I had a lot to do yesterday outside. And it only got to 50 here as a high. I’m not ready yet.
Covered the big water tank with more old blankets, then cover it with a dark colored trap.
Tommy a few years ago made a box to go over the outside water spigots. I had to remount it over the spigots, and get a new light bulb. It’s a pig tail light, that hangs down over the spigots. The light is plugged in at night. Since doing this our spigots have never froze. I’ll try and post a photo as soon as I can.
I got out all the animal water heaters out, and I’ll clean them today and put them in the waters.
I have to close in the rest of the new chicken house for this years chickens. Tommy has not felt like finishing it.
Add more hay to the chicken houses.
Get the truckers filled with antifreeze- and the gas run out of all mowers/tractors, etc. Get the generator filled with gas, and make sure it runs. Tommy usually does this, but he has not been out of the house for weeks now. And I’m having a hard time remembering every thing he does to get everything(outside) ready for winter. So if you think I have forgot something, please tell me.( you men out there, what am I forgetting?) Right now my mind is on overload.
I covered up things that will stay out in the weather all winter( I can’t move them under shelter).
I would like to cover windows with plastic, but will have to wait and see if I can get help, I don’t do heights will.
Our gas heaters are working well. I got out the 110 heater and it works.
I closed the inside vent hole (in ceiling) in the food barn. Now just have to close the outside vent hole. My son has covered all house vents already.
It seems this years winter is coming in faster than before. And I still have so much to do.
Tommy had a really hard day and night. He is still getting sick. Now it’s hard for him to even keep water down. Please keep praying for him.
I have really been studying and looking into herbs and there uses, how I can use them, which of them I can grow here, getting them ready for use and storage. A few of the herbs I already grow. I had a small boil/bite on my neck. I talked to a friend who uses herbs. She told me to make a onion and potato poultice and put it on the boil/bite. To draw out what ever was in there. It worked. Even if I smelled funny for a little bit. It still amazes me how the Lord puts things on this earth to heal us. How far I get into the use of herbs is up to the Lord. I don’t know His plans here yet, other than this is were He is leading me now.
Looking back, I never would of dreamed of doing all I’m doing now, not this city girl. Talk about a total life style change. The Lord has brought me a long way. And I’m thankful He is not done with me yet.
Well I had better get this day started. Hope you all are nice and warm. May God bless your day today.
October 29, 2008 - Posted by Becky creativity, herbs, ideas, making do, self sufficiency, winter creativity, herbs, ideas, making do, self sufficiency, winter 6 Comments
Gosh! Sounds like you have things under control! I’m so sorry that Tommy is still getting sick. My Dad was diagnosed with squamous cancer a year ago….it was really rough with the operation, chemo, and radiation! He had to have a feeding tube in his stomach…that really helped him a lot. That way he could just pour Ensure down the feeding tube when he was too sick to eat. It taped to his side and with a shirt you would never know it was there. Not sure if Tommy would be interested in that, but the doctors told Dad that it would help keep his weight up and give him energy that he needed to help fight the sickness. He kept it about for about 4 months…you don’t have to use it, you can still eat when you feel like it. But, it was there for the times you didn’t feel well. I hope the sickness passes quickly! Your family is in my prayers!!
Comment by Wendy October 29, 2008
Becky,I only found your site a few days ago and I am compelled to come back here and see how your family is doing and what you are up to.You have a way with words. I think you should not only do your blog but you should be writing a book about all you have learned and what you do. I think you are wonderful. You have such strength and courage. I have great respect for you.I have you and your family in my prayers as so many others do and I am sure you will over come this trial in your lives.I told my husband Val about you and how I cannot seem to close your page. I am always looking for updates. I am just sure that if we were to meet in person we would be great friends. You are a wonderful lady.All my best,Karen
Comment by Karen October 29, 2008
Oh my goodness, you are a busy gal! I thought I was busy this week…not by a long shot, compared with your outdoor chores. I think you are just amazing, Becky. The things you can’t do aren’t worth mentioning. What a renaissance girl you are!
Comment by Joyce October 29, 2008
Wendy,Thank you for your prayers. Tommy has signed papers saying he does not want to be hooked up to tubes or machines to keep him alive. I stand behind his decision but it still hurts.
Karen,Thank you for your prayers. I am glad you like this blog, hope you will find helpful things here. I don’t know about a book. Right now, I just want to help others make it through the hard times, and save a little money.
Joyce,How have you been? I don’t know about amazing, I just do what has to be done. I am sure all of you can/would do the same for your families. All I do is by the grace of God, I can’t do it on my own.
God Bless you all and have a great day,Becky
Comment by jordansfarm October 30, 2008
Becky,I respect Tommy’s decision. I just thought I would throw it out there. It helped my Dad a lot! No machines, just a tube and he still went to work and was active (as much as he could be), which helped him too! We were a little confused when the doctor mentioned feeding tube, I guess not understanding, but when explained it is a simple clear tube inserted in your stomach that you can put water or the vitamin drink Ensure down when you are sick and unable to eat. Dad had cancer in his throat and with radiation and the chemo focused on there and his lungs it was hard to swallow. So, he would come home and open a can of Ensure and pour down the tube and then some water and that was his lunch! But, when he did feel better he was still able to eat normally. The tube was taped to his side and he would untape and use and then tape back in position. When Dad decided to get rid of it, the doctor just pulled it out and let heal on it’s own with no stitches. It was really wild to think medicine has come that far and you can have something like that, a tube going to your stomach! Dad is now 100% cancer free and I’m looking forward to when Tommy will be too! You and Tommy are in my prayers!!!
Comment by Wendy October 30, 2008
You can plastic windows on the inside if you have too. It will leave staples on your window casings, but it works.
I’m so sorry your husband is ill. I just happened upon your site, and will definitely pray for your family. I am sorry.Saw Palmetto is regularly used in Europe for BPH. I know cancer is much worse than simple BPH, but the herb is considered a drug or choice for prostate problems in Europe, Japan, etc. for prostate issues. You might research it.Just speaking from what I have seen in my in-law’s family, the men who choose to not have chemo, radiation and other “cancer” treatments live longer and healthier lives with the disease. Prostate cancer doesn’t kill overnight. I have seen relatives live for 5-10 years with no treatment. I have also seen relatives die in two years from complications from cancer treatments. I know my hubby and I have discussed this many times. Just from the cases we have seen in his family, the ones who refused chemo did much better. And their lives were healthier longer. You might want to research more natural treatments when you make choices.
Comment by terri October 30, 2008
How to Identify a Snapping Turtle
6 days ago
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