I’m a homesteading, homeschooler, farm mom and wife. I’ve been married 10+ years, kids(his ,mine and ours is 9). We raise and grow 80%+ of what we eat. I enjoy : knitting, cooking from scratch, reading, blogging, canning, quilting, and more. My husband has prostate cancer in his bones. So I’m now learning all about that and new drugs. I love learning new things. I like to find all the ways I can to stretch a dollar, it’s become a mission. I am very creatived and try to make do with what I have on hand. And would like to share with others what I know. I by no means know it all. We started living off the farm more then ten years ago. Tommy said I could stay home with the kids. What a blessing. But with only one income and 5 mouths to feed, well I start homesteading, farming, gardening, canning out of have too. Now I do it because it’s just much better food. The Lord has blessed us much over the years. We have only had the Internet for a few months, we have no cable etc. We do have power but we hang clothes out side, use the power very wisely, it’s going up in cost too.
Lately, a lot of my friends have ask me how to do this or that, how to store food, what to store. So I started blogging, they can come here.
Hi Becky, you do sound alot like us, thanks for stopping by my blog. My husband isn’t in the best of health either. Trying to make it all work can be a challenge. I’m new to blogging, and we just got our computer last year. While I am no stranger to computers, having one at home with internet access. I lurked on blogs for so long, before I ever thought I would write one. I enjoy looking at other peoples gardens, and learning from what others are doing, and sharing what I know. I’ll be back! Comment by matronofhusbandry June 28, 2008
I found your blog most helpful and I do agree with your husband. We are headed for some very hard times ahead. I would love to know how you heat your home and what part of the country that you live in? We may not have gas or electric heat in the future….and that is all I have. I have a wood stove that I have thinking about installing in case we lose our electricity.Love your blog…..great info.Barb Comment by Barb August 8, 2008
i love your blogs, you are such a inspritation. i live in the city (wichita, ks)again getting serious about growing what we eat. i will move by father’s greenhouse to my properity this month.i started reading your blog at homestead bloggers. my request is could you please email your site to me, i have a dial up system which was my mothers and until i can replace it i can’t bookmark or add favorites nor can i figure out how to email your site to myself.i will look forward to hearing from you.Marca Comment by Marcia September 5, 2008
I really enjoyed visiting your web-page! I originally visited looking for a mozzarella cheese recipe. (Thanks for the links.) What really caught my attention was how self-suffiecient your family is. It reminded me of back home. (Louisville, KY.) I was lucky enough to live in town but our house was one of the first on the block (1946) and had a great garden in the back yard. Kale, pole beans, squash, tomatoe, carrots and TONS of blackberries. Boy do I miss that. I now live in Southern California. Talk about culture shock!! People here are soooo different. For example: I went to the grocery store about a month ago and bought a huge bundle of kale. (My brother and dad were coming for dinner.) When I go to check out, the “life-size” barbie at the register asks me, “What are you going to do with all this garnish?? Do you work as a caterer?” I laughed, paid for my groceries and politely told her that I was not a caterer, but that I was going home to garnish my STOMACHE!! She didn’t know it was food!! Thank goodness I finally found an awesome farmers market not too far away. Great people and great produce. Anyway… thanks for the awesome web-page and great hints. God bless you and your family. He truly provides for all his sons and daughters. Jessica Comment by Jessica September 29, 2008
Jessica,Thank you for stopping in. Have you made many mozzarella yet? May be some day you can move back this way. Have a great day.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm October 1, 2008
How to Identify a Snapping Turtle
6 days ago
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