I’m still kicking. But boy, oh boy is it cold here. It’s 6 degrees this morning. And I can stay in the warm house, as we no longer have the milk cow. So no more frozen fingers and noses. At 6 degrees outside, I’m really glad we sold the cow. Yesterday it did not get above 30 all day. I have seen where some of you are having it colder than me. And even some of you with lots of snow. Burrrrrr.
Tommy’s had good days and bad days. The pain comes and goes from his knees and chest. The morphine seems to help most times. Please keep praying for him.
The farm is still doing good. The chickens are still giving us a lot of eggs, which we are sharing. The beef bull is getting bigger. Hopefully by early summer he can go into the freezer.
My step-son told me about iPod Shuffle player, as I told him when I laid down to rest my mind kicked in on all I had to do. So I got one and downloaded books to it. It has made my rest time better. As hard as I try to stop my mind, well it’s hard to do. Am I worrying? I don’t think so, just going over everything that needs to be done. I have also loaded the iPod with parts of the Bible. And found out my library will allow you to download books free for a week at a time, off their Internet site, as long as you have a library card. They allow 5 books out at a time. They have adults and kids books, this find was a blessing. This is a money saver too. You might want to check with your library too, about this. As I know most kids and adults have some kind of iPod or MP3 players. You can also listen to to books from your computer or burn to Cd’s to play on CD players. I just found out about this last week. So I thought I share what I found out. TommieLynn loves it, as do I.
On another note: For those of you that can foods. Have you stocked up on canning lids? I try and keep about a year’s worth on hand. You never know when you will need them. They store forever, and you can usually buy them year round. Try and buy a pack or two every time you go to town, or when you can. You may not have money this summer to buy them, or power may go off for to long. You may not know when someone will bless you with meat and veg’s, at any time of year. It a small thing, these lids, but you can’t can without them. I ran out once during canning, a lesson learned well.
I have been keeping up with you all here, and glad you all are well. It seems to be a busy time for everyone. Trying to finds ways to save money, stretch what money you do have, looking for jobs, etc. Thank you all for the ideas and ways you have posted as they have helped me, too. This Internet is a blessing too. I have meet wonderful people, made new friends all over the world, got new ideas, and have learned so much.
Well I had better get this day started.
January 16, 2009 - Posted by Becky Canning, Stocking up, ideas, making do, saving money, update, winter Canning, making do, saving money, Stocking up, winter 4 Comments
Hi Becky ~Glad to see that things are holding steady for you all. My husband found out his job is being done away with at the end of the month, so we’re sort of in don’t-know-what-to-do mode. Like you always say, God will provide.
I didn’t know about the books! Is it like an audio recording of the books? Or do you have to have one with a little video screen to read the books?
Take care,Denita~~
Comment by D. January 17, 2009
hello Becky.
I came across your website looking to make cheese.Thankyou for sharing this with people.Very generous of you.Im sorry to hear about your husband Tommy and his illnes.This is heartbreaking.How are you holding up thought this???This must be such a huge burden for you to bare.We sold our house in the city and moved to the country and bought a Jersey and Holstein.Im sorry you had to sell your jersey.
You have some fabulous ideas on your website.Im sure I will be watching it daily im addicted!!!
Take care Karen
Comment by karen January 17, 2009
Oh I wanted to ask you if you have ever made hard cheese???
Comment by karen January 17, 2009
Denita,It’s so good to hear from you again. I am sorry about the job loss. But our Lord WILL provide. My family and I are living proof. I will keep you all in my prayers. As for the books: they are audio recording that you can listen to on your computer, or down load to an MP3 player. Most have free download software.( like windows media player or i-tunes)
Karen,Thank you very much for stopping in. I am doing ok, I take one day at a time, and have grace for everyday. How much milk are you getting a day? And no, I have not made hard cheese yet. Tommy was working on a homemade cheese press just before he got sick, and did not get it done. But I have watched a friend, and it looks easy enough.
Comment by Becky January 17, 2009
How to Identify a Snapping Turtle
6 days ago
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