You can use garden or store potatoes to can. Our potato plants died to soon, so we did not get the crop we usually get. So when potatoes go on sale, I will buy a bunch and can them.

These are our new potatoes dug this year. The small ones, I wash really good and can. These are good when it's cold outside.
The above canned potatoes are from this year. The below are from last year. The starch (the white coating on potatoes below) is just washed off, and potatoes are good. The chopped potatoes are used in : beef stew, put in a pan and fried with butter and onions, in a pan and eaten as boiled potatoes, drained over night and used in potato salad, and more.
To pressure can Potatoes:
Small ones: just wash well and pack loosely in jars.
Large ones: Peel and cut into a brine water ( 1 teaspoon salt to a quart of water) , then rinse and pack loosely in to jars.
Then add 1 teaspoon of salt per quart and fill with water.
Process 40 minutes for quarts at 15 lbs.
Happy Canning!
For those of you who do not have a pressure canned, the potatoes can be froze, put in the cool part of your refrigerator. But please do not use a hot water bath canner as it is not safe.
See comment #25 below on how to freeze potatoes.
( more answers can be found in the comments here)
becky. when canning potatoes can you use table salt or do you have to use canning salt? also do you have to cook the potatoes before putting in jars or do you just wash , peal, and pack then pressure cook? thanks kathy Comment by kathy August 31, 2008
Kathy,I use table salt in the potatoes and in the brine.And no, you do not have to cook the potatoes before putting them in the jars. I just wash, peel, pack LOOSELY in jars and can them. Hope this helps, if not let me know.Becky Comment by jordansfarm August 31, 2008
Becky,Thank you for your response on the salt. I done just what you had said and now I have another problem. After I took my potatoes out of the pressure cooker their were some jars that like half of the brine is gone. We made sure that all the seals were on good and tight and filled all the jars the same before putting them in the canner. What happened? Can I break the seals on the jars that the brine is gone in and put more brine in them and reprosess or are they ok like they are or do I just need to go ahead and fix those to eat soon. Only had like 4 jars out of 44 jars to do this. They all look good. Thank You again for all your help. We will be praying for Tommy and your family.Kathy Comment by kathy August 31, 2008
Kathy,Your potatoes are fine. The potatoes soaked up the water and some times the water leaks out. But if they have a good seal, they are fine. Mine do the same thing, and it’s ok. And great job, 44 jars is alot of peeling. Thank you very much for your prayers.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm September 1, 2008
BeckyI had always heard you could can potatoes, but I have never tried to do them. This year my brother gave me a good supply of potatoes and since it is just my husband and me know I wanted to can them. How long to you process pint jars?I grew up on a dairy farm, seven kid in the family and still can a lot. My boys are grown and moved on but I still can some things for them and they love the cost savings on their food bill.Thanks for your siteSandy
Comment by Sandy September 1, 2008
Sandy,Pints are canned for 35 mintues. And thank you very much for stopping by. Please let me know how your potatoes turn out, ok. Have a great day. Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 1, 2008
I do not have a pressure cooker, so I would like to know if anyone has used the cold bath method for potatoes. Also, has anyone ever made salsa and either cold bathed or froze the salsa. Sure am glad I found this site!!!Rochelle Comment by Rochelle September 4, 2008
Rochelle,It is not best to cold bath the potatoes, it’s not safe. They need to be pressure canned. Can you borrow a canner from a friend? I am not sure about the salsa as we do not eat it. But hopefully one of my readers will know. And thank you for stopping by. Have a great day.Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 5, 2008
Becky….I would have never guessed that you can can potatoes…..such a good idea as I don’t use very often and the bag usually goes bad.Thanks for the idea. Comment by plantinthings September 6, 2008
Rochelle,Yes, last year I cold bath canned and also froze salsa. Tomatoes are acidic so it’s safe to cold bath can. Hope this helps ya. Comment by plantinthings September 6, 2008
Becky,Do you cook the potatoes before you can them or just pack them in jars and process? I have seen a few other recipes that require you to boil them for ten minutes first and then pack and process. Comment by Lee Snyder September 7, 2008
Lee,I do not cook my potatoes first. I pack them loosely in jars and then can them. And have done so for 10 + years. Yes, I too have seen those recipes and know people who boil first. But for us, when you are looking at a few 100 lbs. of potatoes, to us that’s just extra work. So I canned some with out boiling them first and it worked, and the canned potatoes lasted well over a year. So I guess it’s up to you which way you want to do it. We try and find the fastest, safest way to do things here on the farm, as there is so much to do. I hope this helps you. Maybe some of my readers will put in their thoughts on this. Hope you have a great day.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm September 7, 2008
Becky,Do you fill the jars with cold water or boiling water? Thanks for your wonderful tips. I’m canning for the first time and came across your site. It’s been very helpful.Blessings,Kimberly
Comment by Kimberly September 7, 2008
Good morning Kimberly,I fill the jars with hot tap water. More and more people are canning now. good luck with your canning and if you have any more questions, just ask, ok.Have a wonderful day.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm September 8, 2008
Good morning Becky,Thanks for the great information. So far I’ve put back 200+ jars of canned goods, not counting what’s in my deep freeze. I’m not done yet. Not bad for my first year. Anyway, I canned the potatoes last night, just guessing about the water. I ended up using hot tap water just like you said. My potatoes went from being white to having a yellowish gold color. My husband purchased a 50 pound bag. These were russets I believe. Is this okay? Yours still look white and I was wondering what the difference might be. Thanks again…I’m sure I’ll be visiting your blog often.Kimberly Comment by Kimberly September 8, 2008 Hi Becky-Found your website and it is so good to read-just like having a neighbor and friend next door talking to me. Thanks for the great information on canning the potatoes. We have more in our garden than we could keep good for the winter so decided to pressure can them. They ended up having the milky looking water. Glad to know it’s just starch and no problem with the canning. My husband and I also canned sweet corn and green beans for the first time this year. Scary but fun. I followed the directions to a t in the canning book for time and altitudes, etc. so they should be good. Take care-I’ll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. God bless-Marlys Comment by Marlys Zimbelman September 9, 2008
Hey Becky, It’s Cammy here. I am wondering about how many pounds of store bought potatos it would take to can 7 quarts. I have been running crazily and would like to just do one canner at a time. Thanks, and by the way would this work for Sweet potatos you think? You are such a wonderful person to help out all of us “newbies” to canning. Thanks and God bless you and yours! Comment by Cammy Harbison September 12, 2008
Cammy,Good morning. I think it’s about a pound per qt. but the little bit let you could cook for dinner. Or put in pint jars and put another canning rack on top of the qts. and put 4 pints and top. BUT make sure your canner will close. Only one of my canners can I do this with. YES, you can do sweet potatoes in a syrup, but I’ll have to check the time on cooking them. Have a great day. Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 12, 2008 Thanks so much for what you are doing! I have been canning for years, but have never canned potatoes–this will be a first. Your information is very helpful! Since I’m so visual, it is so wonderful to have pictures! There is nothing better on a cold January evening than to serve dinner from your own canned goods. A full cupboard of canning jars is a beautiful sight…a testimony to God’s goodness! Blessings to all! Comment by Linda Johnson September 15, 2008
Hello, fellow Becky!!I have been canning for a few years now but this is my first year trying potatoes. I did my first 7 quarts - used Yukon Gold and they looked beautiful when I pulled them out of the canner. When they cooled and we were putting them away, we noticed that the water had gelled - probably from the starch. Just wondering if this has happened to you and if the potatoes are still good. P.S. Love your website!! Comment by Becky S. September 16, 2008
Becky S.The potatoes are fine. Just wash off the gell/starch before eating/ using. It’s not harmful, I have always just washed it off. You did a wonderful job. And thank you for stopping in.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm September 17, 2008
Hi Becky,I don’t have a pressure cooker, but have been processing my dill pickles and salsa in boiling water in large stainless steel pot. Can I do this for the potatoes. I have never had a problem with my other canning goods. Thanks for your time. Great website!
Comment by John Szedlak September 18, 2008
John,It is NOT SAFE to process potatoes without a pressure cooker,they must be pressure canned. Can you borrow a pressure canner from some one? Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 18, 2008
I want to can my small potatoes whole. I do not have a pressure canner. I accept your advice about not being safe to can without pressure but I was wondering if I can a few and keep the jars in the refrigerator until I am ready to use them, would that be safe.
Comment by Nancy September 19, 2008
#25: Nancy,Potatoes are a low- acid food that must be pressure canned to destroy all bacteria and etc. I looked up an other way to store them safely.
freezing them:wash thoroughly, can peel. blanch 3- 5 mintues, depending on size. drain. cool. pack potatoes into can or freezer jars or plastic freezer boxes/ bags. seal, label, freeze.
Or they will stay in the cool part of your refrigerator longer than out. Hope this helps.Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 19, 2008
I loved your nice pictures of canned potatoes. We have a great crop of red and also gold potatoes this year so I wanted to preserve them somehow besides just in bins. Your information is very helpful. It’s great to know that I don’t have to blanch them first.It’s great there are others who believe it’s important for mom’s to be able to be home with their children. My last one of six just graduated this year and I have loved being home with my children (and doing all the neat homemaking stuff as well)God bless you,Helen R. Comment by Helen Robinson September 20, 2008
Becky,Well, I put up 20 Quarts of potatoes for the first time. Hope they come out. I tried reds, whites and russets. Also had some small onions, garlic, beans, peas and corn left from the late plantings so I did 10 quarts with some of the veggies in the potatoes. Also made a beef stock and used that as the canning liquid. Hope to have a nice soup base for this winter. Will let you know how that works out. Friend gave me a recipe for salsa, and it is the best I have ever had. If you want it, let me know. My family uses more salsa than anything else so I had to put up 68 pints. 30 hot, 20 med, and 18 mild. Well, back to preparing the garden for next year. Thank you for your help and will check back later to let you know about the soup. Comment by Lee September 21, 2008
All the recipes i have found say you have to peel the potatoes as they will produce a bacteria, but i see you can without peeling some. What are your thoughts on this? Comment by Kim Barth September 22, 2008
Kim,If you wash the potatoes really good first before canning, you should have no problems. I never have. Just wash them well. hope this helps.Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 22, 2008
Thanks to all your good advice I have put up many many quarts of Yukon Gold Potatoes! I left the skins on - washed them really well and cut off any bad spots. The Yukons seem to have more starch than the reds so most of my jars have “gelled”. Last Sunday we had to try a jar before I made the decision to can what’s left in my garden. I drained the jar and rinsed them well with cold water. When they were done draining (after the rinse) I fried them. My family absolutely loved them! Even my finicky 6 year old!! It’s so wonderful to “live off the land” and not rely so much on processed food. God Bless you and your family. Happy Fall!! Comment by Becky S. September 23, 2008
Becky S.,I am so glad you all like the canned potatoes. Try allowing them to drain over night after rinsing them, then deep fry them like french fries. We really like them this way. Or after draining over night - make potato salad, prefect potatoes salad every time. And thank you for letting me know about your canned potatoes. Have a wonderful fall.Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 23, 2008
Becky,I, too, am reporting in that canning my red potatoes went well! Thanks for your help and insight.The tomatoes are about done and now it is on to applesauce–my favorite!! The whole house smells so wonderful! Thanks, again. You are in my prayers. Comment by Linda J September 23, 2008 Linda J,Your welcome. I am so happy they turned out right for you. How did the applesauce go?I made apple butter, apple jelly, both for the first time this year. Boy, there is a lot of work in both. But I like to try some thing new every year. I started apple sauce about 4 years ago, now mine won’t even look at the store bought stuff.Thank you very much for your prayers.Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 25, 2008
If I freeze my potatoes wont they go mushy when thawed out?
Comment by sharon d September 25, 2008
Sharon D.,I have never froze potatoes. I always can them. The freezing potatoes came out of the Ball canning book, for those who don’t have a pressure canner. I was giving another safe way to put up potatoes. Sorry I could not be of more help on this.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm September 27, 2008
Hi..this willl be my first time canning potatoes. I am very excited about it..Thanks for all your tips.
Comment by Joyce September 29, 2008
Joyce,Please let me know how your canning goes.Have a great day.Becky Comment by jordansfarm September 29, 2008
mami wand to can potatoes but do not want them cooked. i like to fry them later. i like them hard when i fry them. is this possible?lil Comment by dale stratton October 2, 2008
Lil,Once the potatoes are pressure canned, they are so what hard. I fry the canned potatoes in a pan, and deep fry them, and they do not fall a part. And they are hard enough for potato salad.Hope this helps.Becky Comment by jordansfarm October 2, 2008
Hi Becky, love your site - love to see someone milking by hand too! We milk goats by hand, raise our children and our food here on our farm in Michigan too! God Bless you for what you are doing for our next generation. I love the blogs from you and all of your visitors about canning. I am going to do potatoes for the first time. I have been told by several people to wash them in the washing machine on gentle cycle. Ever heard of this? I was also wondering about the draining them overnight for potato salad. Do you just leave them out in a strainer at room temp, or what exactly. I got the point loud and clear about pressure canning so I wil be borrowing a pressure canner. Thanks again and prayers for Tommy and your family.Sherry Comment by Sherry October 4, 2008
Sherry,Nice to meet you. Sounds like you have your hands full too in Michigan.Never heard of useing the washing machine, sorry, I just wash them by hand.Draining the potatoes for potato salad: Leave potatoes in the strainer and put potatoes and strainer in your ice box over night to drain. Happy canning, let me know how they turn out. Thank you for your prayers.Becky Comment by jordansfarm October 4, 2008
Well I was just given a couple hundred pounds of potatoes Give or take. SO I guess I will be canning potatoes for my first time. Its been awhile since I canned anything. My question is how much water do you put in your pressure cooker. I kinda forgot. I am also from Michigan and greatly appreciate your time and effort you have put in your web site it’s a god send. I think allot of us would be lost without people like you helping out…..Thank-you Comment by Becky October 5, 2008
It’s more like 400 -600 pounds lol of potatoes too bad you did not live by me I could give you a couple hundred. Comment by Becky October 5, 2008
Becky,What a wonderful blessing you got.With the jars in the canner, then fill with water until the canner is half full of water. Hope this helps. Please let me know how many quarts you get? That is a lot of peeling.Happy canning. And thank you for stopping in.Becky Comment by jordansfarm October 5, 2008
help I don’t have a pressure cooker i only have cold pack
Comment by cindy October 8, 2008
Beckythank you for helping I don’t have a pressure cookerand would like to use my canner to do potatoes Comment by cindy October 8, 2008
Becky,I was wondering if when you bottle potatoes do you have to put the salt in. I’m doing the red potatoes. My husband can’t have salt on his food. But I really want to do them. Thank you Jeanne
Comment by
Jeanne October 10, 2008
Cindy,Potatoes have to be pressure canned. Please see if you can borrow one from someone, as this is safest way. Or see comment #25 here for freezing them and storing them.
Jeanne,I am not sure about not adding the salt. I don’t know how safe that would be. I’m sorry I can’t answer this question for you. Maybe you can freeze him some (see comment #25 here). Becky Comment by jordansfarm October 11, 2008
Becky,I was wondering if you could give me insight. I canned my yukon golds with the directions you gave. The potatoes are very soft. They are great for mashing but not fried or salads. Is there a reason that you might know of? Is it because they are yukons or maybe because they are home grown? Any help would be great! Thanks again for you input! Blessings, Melinda Comment by Melinda October 15, 2008
Melinda,I am not really sure why your potatoes are soft. For I can the Yukon golds potatoes that are homegrown for years. How old were the potatoes? But I’m not even sure if age is reason. I am sorry, you have me stumped. Mine have never been soft. Could you have cooked them too long?Sorry I could not be of more help.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm October 16, 2008 Hi BeckyI love your web page. I have been canning for 6 years now. This will be the first year that I try canning potato. I have alot of sweet potato (yams) to do but I don’t know how to do them. Please help. The red and white one I will start working today. This year I have put up about 300 quarts of green beans, 30 quarts and 15 pints of tomato, 34 1/2 pint of strawberry , blackberry jam plus bags in the freezer, froze 15 bags of cabbage, made sauerkraut and apple butter for the first time, froze hot and green pepers, canned hot peppers and make cabbage rolls for the freezer. I canned beets,froze turnups and dried my onions, so all I have left is these potatos. Comment by Alice October 18, 2008
Alice, you have been busy.
Sweet Potatoes canned:Boil first for about 5 min. so as the skins will rub off.Leave small ones whole/ or cut,pack into jarsFill with water or med. syrup( med. syrup: 3 1/4 cup sugar and 5 cups water= 7 cups syrup)leave 1 inch head space, remove air bubbles`Pressure can 10 pounds for:pints: 1 hour 5 minutesquarts: 1 hour and 30 mintuesHope this helps. Please tell me how you freeze your cabbage.
Thank you for stopping in, have a wonderful weekend.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm October 18, 2008
BeckyI cut mine in 1/4 and blench it for 10 minutes. let it drain. pack it in bags. I like leaving it in 1/4 what way I can cut it up anyway I want when I get ready to use it. 1/4 you can use in roast, chop or shred is great in soups or fry. The secret is let it thaw and drain the water before using it.thanks for your help
Comment by Alice October 18, 2008
Alice,You are an amazing woman!! 300 Qts. of beans!!
Becky,Thanks for the Sweet Potato idea…I’ll need to watch for sales. Linda J Comment by http://valleyvisions.blogspot October 18, 2008
Becky I’m canning with large mason jar some deer meat.I can’t remember how long to cook them to seal the lids.I could use some help thank you for last time with trying to bottle some potatoes with out salt.Jeanne Comment by Jeanne October 19, 2008
Hi Becky,
I was reading on another website that forcing depressuring (manually letting the steam off quicker) could spoil your canned goods. Do you have any comments on this? This is my first time canning with a pressure canner. I have always did the water bath or hot pack methods.Thanks,Myrna Comment by myrna October 23, 2008
Myrna,I have never heard of this. I always let the pressure cooker cool by itself. Which usually takes about an hour, I’m for safety first. Now in my 4qt.pressure cooker when I’m cooking corn on the cob in it, I do run it under cool water to cool it down faster. But I would never do it with canned foods I’m going to store.hope this helps,Becky Comment by jordansfarm October 25, 2008
Becky,Our local market had 2 boxes of small red potatoes marked $2.00 a box. I am guessing there was at least 25lbs to a box. How could I resist. So we canned the potatoes for the first time.I cut them into 1/4s and placed them in the quarts with water and salt. Processed for 40 min after the giggle at 15lbs. Some of the bottles in each batch lost about 50% of the liquid. The potatoes looks soft and are falling apart. We had 1 jar that did not seal so we tried them for breakfast this morning and they were great fried. They were kind of like using the leftover potatoes from a roast, that kind of soft. Just think it is strange that some lose the liquid and why they seem over processed. I hope you have some ideas. Thanks for the help. Comment by Karen October 26, 2008
opps guess that would be jiggle not giggle but that is fun too.
Comment by Karen October 26, 2008
I have canned for over 20 years..I put up around 1500 jars of food this summer and filled up 3 deep freezers..I have a large family..(expecting my tenth)..and gardening/canning is no hobby for me but a necessity!!..You should never try to “cool” your pressure canner down quickly by releasing some of the pressure…Your jars never seal in the canner until after they have releasing the pressure you can lose some of your fluid inside the jar and can also take a significant risk of breaking your jars by decreasing the temperature too rapidly!!..I have 2 stoves and 3 pressure canners I use in the summer..and I ALWAYS just turn off the stove eye and let my canners cool on their own..Some people suggest moving them to a table or counter-top to cool off..but the least amount of jiggling the contents can break your jars!! Patience will pay in the end!!! Comment by jana October 26, 2008
Also, I have had tremendous luck canning sweet potatoes, but have never liked white/gold/or red potatoes after canning them..They have always been too mushy for me. Sweet potatoes however are a different story and do very well!! Comment by jana October 26, 2008
Karen,I’m not sure about the soft potatoes, as mine are always hard enough for potato salad. And it times some of the water comes out of my jars. And once in a while a jar will not seal, and I’m not sure why. At times I think it’s just a bad lid. What a great deal you got on the potatoes. Sorry I could not be more help. Thank you for stopping in. Have a great day.
Jana,I thought I can a lot, 1500 jars is a lot. I too, fill 3 freezers. But my family is no longer that big. Now there is just 3 of us. I agree with you about cooling down the pressure cooker, as this is what I do. And Tommy loves the sweet potatoes canned. Thank you for stopping in and your comment.Becky Comment by jordansfarm October 28, 2008
What is the shelf life of canned potato’s.
Comment by Marcy November 6, 2008
Marcy,I know mine last for a year, harvest to harvest. We have never had any left longer than that. Hope this helps.Becky
Comment by jordansfarm November 7, 2008
You have answered all my questions from past comments.I’m really nerves on the pressure cooking. I (My father and step mother) used my pressure cannier (canned beef) for the first time but I had my family’s help. But still nerves to do it myself. I have had a garden for 2 years now and it sure is a good feeling when the finish product is sitting on the self. My Aunt Ada would be proud of me!!! I’m putting you on my favorites so if I have any questions I know where to coming (HERE).I also stay home with my kids.
Thankyou and God Bless,Amy Comment by Amy November 14, 2008
Sorry wrong email address. This is the right one
Comment by Amy November 14, 2008
Amy,The more you use the pressure canner the better you will feel. Just give it a little time. It’s the best thing you can learn to do, and will help you out the most. Please keep me updated on how you are doing with it, ok. Have a great week end. Thank you for stopping in here.God Bless you and your family,Becky Comment by jordansfarm November 15, 2008
I canned potatoes last year, they look great and pretty as yours! BUT…I didn’t know about the pressure cooker and just water-bathe them for 45 minutes. What do you think? Should I just discard the 20 jars of it or try them and see? I’m afraid now! Comment by Marcie November 16, 2008
Marcie,This is what I would do, but you need to do what you feel is right and safe for you. I would open a jar and smell them if they did not smell bad or look bad, I would reboil them GOOD before using/serving. Then taste one, to check taste. I am sorry I can’t just come right out and tell it’s ok, because I am not sure on this one. Trust yourself on this.Hope this helps you some.Becky Comment by jordansfarm November 16, 2008
I have finally finished my potatoes. 167 quart jars. It feels so good, and so reassuring. Thank you for posting this. It was exactly what I was looking for. I have almost bottled 500 jars of fruit, and veggies this year.
My husband will need to have surgery on Monday for a ruptured disc in his back. I will be living on our food storage for the 6-8 weeks that he is out. It is nice to know that it is there. The reduced paycheck will only pay for bills and now I will still be able to feed my family. thank you and my thoughts and prayers are with your family. Comment by christie November 20, 2008
I noticed you left the red peels on do you have to peel russets or can you leave the skins on? Comment by Laurie November 25, 2008
Laurie,You can,if you wash the skins VERY well. I only leave the skin on the small potatoes, as peeling them would not leave much potato. Hope this helps.Becky Comment by jordansfarm November 26, 2008
I just wanted you to know you’ve inspired me - I canned 7 quarts of potatoes for the first time today. ) I’ve canned lots of other things, but never thought about canning potatoes until I found your blog several months ago. Thank you! I have so many other things I want to try canning (cheese sauce, dried beans, etc.), and I feel like time is running short. I really appreciate all of the information you’ve shared on your blog. It is truly so helpful!
Continuing to lift you, Tommy, and your family up in prayer.
Stacie Comment by arksoaper December 9, 2008
Stacie,You are more than welcome, I am glad to help. I have been reading your blog and you are doing a great job with everything. My best find this year was the canned cheese sauce and the clothes soap. Thank you very much for all your prayers for us.Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Becky Comment by jordansfarm December 10, 2008
Becky, Just got done canning 7qts of potatoes, Looks like they are over cooked, (soft) When you talk about processing for 40 minutes. Is that once the canner starts to jiggle. Or Do you start timing when you put the canner on the stove? Thanks Cara Comment by Cara January 3, 2009
Cara,Yes, you start timing when it starts to jiggle. Hope this helps.Becky Comment by Becky January 7, 2009
Love this site, first time here, will can next year. here is a tip for potatoe fry lovers. Cut the taters as you wish raw, soak in in sugar water, for a hr or so before frying. You will never make french fries again with out this method I’d bet.YUMM Lots of sugar,sweet water. Rod Comment by Rod January 7, 2009
This is excellent; I like knowing how many pounds to quarts. Thank you! Comment by
Prudent Homemaker January 19, 2009
Gave my wife a pressure cooker for Christmas and I ended up wanting to play with it. I thought potatoes would be a good first start. I’ve got a question if you don’t mind. I thought I’d experiment with just 15 lbs. of potatoes but ran out of time after my first batch. I’ve got the unprocessed potatoes in their jars with no water in them. Would it be alright to put them in the fridge overnight and start the process up again another day? I’m sure I need to let the jars warm up before just putting them in hot water. Will this work or should I try something else in the future? Again, this was meant as an experiment so if I need to start over, that’s fine. Thanks, Bill Comment by Bill February 2, 2009
Bill,I am not sure about this. I always make sure I have time set aside for canning, usually a whole day. I would think that just putting jars in fridge with no water in them would turn the potatoes colors. I , myself, would not pressure can them. Maybe you could cook them for a meal, but add water so as they don’t turn colors. I really hope this helps some.Becky Comment by Becky February 2, 2009